FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our hourly rates are very competitive and reflect that we work remotely with modest overheads. We can provide a cost-proportionate service on smaller matters including acting as shadow adviser on matrimonial matters. Equally we have resource to assist on larger cases whilst retaining a hands-on approach by the expert. 

Current hourly rates and a fee estimate can be provided on request.

Where possible we provide fixed or capped fees.

It varies depending on the nature of the instruction and existing commitments. In most cases where information is readily available we can report in three weeks.

No. We accept instructions from across the United Kingdom and occasionally internationally.

Typically quotes can be provided within two working days.

Fiona has given evidence on numerous occasions in the Family Court, High Court, Tax Tribunal and International Arbitration. Fiona also regularly attends mediation to assist the parties and mediator in seeking a successful conclusion to often protracted disputes.

Fiona has been instructed in all sorts of disputes and in matters from small to substantial cases. Fiona has a network of experienced accountants and forensic accountants whom she utilizes as appropriate for the size and nature of the case. Fiona has a reputation for her pragmatic approach and for explaining complex matters clearly and simply. 

Getting in Touch

Fee estimates and CVs are readily available. Quotes can typically be provided within two working days.

Email: fiona@fhmforensic.co.uk
Telephone +44 (0)7770 642491