What makes FHM Forensic Accounting different in Business Valuation Services?
Can a company with no assets have any value?
Autumn Budget October 2024: A Summary of Key Points
Minority Discountin Business Valuations
Pre-budget tax planning in matrimonial cases:A focus on latent tax in capital gains tax calculations
Flawed business valuations
FHM Forensic Accounting:The First 90 Days
My 12 top tips to consider when instructing an expert witness
How can a forensic accountant help my business?
Why have a shareholder agreement and what is its impact on valuation?
Should you instruct a shadow adviser on a matrimonial business valuation?
What is the key to success as a professional?
The fundamentals of business valuations for lawyers
How do you determine the correct capitalisation multiple in valuing a private company using the maintainable earningsapproach?
Key tips for lawyers in interpretation of business accounts
Getting in Touch
Fee estimates and CVs are readily available. Quotes can typically be provided within two working days.Email: fiona@fhmforensic.co.ukTelephone +44 (0)7770 642491